The Two of Cups and Committing to a Year of You

(This post is a summary  of a video I have published on my YouTube channel, Tales and Texts - It will premier on January 3, 2023)

The Two of Cups and Committing to a Year of You

Welcome to Episode 1 of “Expressions of Tarot”. Today, we are talking about the Two of Cups and its relation to our relationship with ourselves

Traditionally, the Two of Cups speaks about a romantic relationship; and often this relationship is with someone else. When this card comes up, we think of first dates, a kiss under the archway, the anticipation of lovemaking and the start of something extraordinary. After all, the two of cups leads to the four of cups, which is traditionally indicative of marriage.

In today’s video, I want to expand - and even change - this notion of the Two of Cups representing our relationship only with someone else. I want to talk about how the Two of Cups can remind us to love ourselves, scabs and flabs, and all, and to recommit to ourselves as we start this brand new year. 

Turning the two of cups meaning on its head

There’s a lot of research that shows that people tend to undervalue themselves because they believe they aren’t worth much. One of the main reasons for this is how we’re brought up in our formative years. Most of us grew up being bombarded with advertisements telling us that we aren’t beautiful if we aren’t a particular colour or a particular size. We grew up in systems that told us that we are useless - and may continue to have hopeless futures - because we didn’t score a particular mark in our examinations or didn’t take up a particular course in college or didn’t pursue a particular line of work. 

This type of stress forces people to overestimate what other people will think about us. According to a New York Times article, this is one of the biggest reasons why people don’t spend time alone, pursuing hobbies or enjoying some time away from others. 

When I look at the Two of Cups, especially this card by the Wild Unknown Tarot, I can imagine how the flowers wither away and how the water in the cups evaporates, because of neglect. Because that’s what growing up in a society that teaches us to undervalue ourselves and overvalue others, makes us do - neglect ourselves. 

By the time we are adults, who are expected to think and make conscious choices, years of such conditioning and pressure prevent us from extricating ourselves out of this dark pit that we’ve fallen into. 

And that’s the narrative I want to change for myself and enable others to do so too. The common keywords that come up when you research the Two of Cups are - partnership, unity, connection, mutual respect and attraction. 

To me, this doesn’t just represent things we feel about someone else. We can feel these for ourselves too. Placing this Two of Cups card in front of me, I visualise treating myself to a glass of wine or a mug of beer or a cup of coffee. Just setting a space for myself, surrounded by flowers, food and the works. All the things that make me feel good. 

You might say - but Nisha, there are two cups here. Who’s the second one for? And I’ll tell you who it’s for - Me

Why can’t I enjoy two cups of wine? Why can’t you enjoy two cups of your favourite drink?

Similarly, why should the decorations, the dressing, the dreamy vibes be reserved only when we’re spending time with that special someone? Why can’t that “special someone” be us? After all, aren’t we the ones who’re taking this body and this soul through this life? Haven’t we been doing this for all this time we’ve been on this Earth? Sure, we’ve had help from others. But we’re the ones living our experiences, aren’t we? 

How to re-envision and reconnect with the Two of Cups and yourself

Today, I want you to think about how you can use the Two of Cups energy to start a brand new relationship with yourself. 

How can you foster mutual respect and mutual attraction between your mind and heart? 

How can you bring in a whole-bodied connectedness, where your body, mind and spirit feel at one - where you finally stop feeling conflicted about yourself? 

I want you to make a list of all the things that you would like to do on a date, with someone else; and instead, do all those things for yourself and by yourself. 

Gift yourself that gorgeous bouquet of roses you found at the florists. Open that bottle of wine and treat yourself to its deliciousness. Take a warm bath and disconnect from the world, with your favourite book or movie. Make love to yourself and allow yourself to feel the pleasure you’ve always wanted, but was missing. 

This year,I invite you to tap into the energy of the Two of Cups and recommit to yourself. Make 2023 a Year of You. May the energy of the Two of Cups bring in unity, peace, pleasure and happiness, as you claim what is rightfully yours - unabashedly, unashamedly and unreservedly. 

Wrapping up 

Thank you so much everyone for being part of my very first Expressions of Tarot video. I hope you found value with this content. I will see you once again with another video on my channel, Tales and Texts.

-Nisha Prakash
